Guidelines, Tips, and Policies

The Office of Strategic Communication has developed central guidelines and policies to promote consistent practices across campus. If you’re new to UW–Madison, start with our Welcome Kit and join communities of practice.

Guidelines and best practices

BadgersVote communications toolkit

Explore the BadgersVote toolkit to download logos, campaign themes, draft copy, and more.

Banners and signage

Seek approval for hanging banners on campus.

Commercial use

Request access to campus for commercial use as an external entity.

Drone/unmanned aircraft use

Review restrictions on unmanned aircraft or drones on university property.

Editorial style

Explore editorial guidance and points of style specific to the university, plus inclusive terms.

Events toolkit

Check out our tips for how to effectively promote your campus events to the university community and beyond.

Free expression and campus protests

Review university policies and state law, campus community support resources, and public safety information.

Inclusive communications

Follow inclusive communications and marketing practices.

Land acknowledgement guidance

Review guidance for statements recognizing that UW–Madison occupies ancestral Ho-Chunk land.

On Brand newsletter

Subscribe to our On Brand e-newsletter to receive updates on new tools, templates, guidance, and other brand resources.

Photography guide

Learn how to access the UW Photo Library, follow campus photography guidelines, and find other resources.

Research news toolkit

Check out our tips for how to write substantive, accurate, and compelling science news stories.

Social media guide

Learn best practices for managing social media accounts.

Social media tips

Follow our platform-specific tips for breaking through the noise on social media — while protecting your account security.

Statements for publication

Reference copyright, equal opportunity, and other official university statements.

Trademark licensing

Review official university trademarks and policies.

Vendor partners

Find approved external vendors for marketing and communications needs.

Videography guide

Review our guidelines for producing video on campus, including minimum requirements and available resources.


Official campuswide policies are housed in the UW–Madison Policy Library. Search for a specific policy in the library, or review the policies that our office manages below.


Use of campus for advertising, sponsorship, and promotions by non-university entities.


Requirements and restrictions on the use of signs on campus.

Commercial use of facilities, incentives, and acceptance of gifts

Appropriate use of campus facilities, incentives, and gifts.

Digital accessibility

Digital accessibility standards and reporting requirements for nondiscrimination compliance.

External sponsorship of university programs and events

External sponsorship of university programs and events.

Film, television, and commercial production on campus

Film, television, photo, or video production on campus by non-university entities.


Campus photography guidelines and restrictions.


Removal of the social media app on university-owned devices, per state order and system policy.

Use of marks

Appropriate use of university logos, images, names, and marks.